Hey guys. Tomorrow I will start training with lower volume and high intensity after training with set progression and RIR for quite a while. I wasn't happy with the progress and felt like I was doing a lot of volume and wasn't getting much out of it. I just have some questions after watching Aj's video on is pull push legs setup.
I trained muscles like side delts and biceps with a high frequency of 4-5x before. For the big movements I want to lower the volume and focus on working really hard on these sets but I'm not sure if I should do something similar for these smaller muscles and start with something like 12 sets over 2-3 session and raise volume when it's needed.
Do you think doing an isolation exercise before a compound as a pre exhaust is always a good idea or just as a variation (maybe if you have trouble connecting to a muscle)? For example doing a leg extension on one leg day.
I really enjoy the videos on the site so far. Thanks AJ!
Thanks for the reply, AJ! Do you think I should use this transition to kinda maintain my bodyweight and just keep pushing my lifts until I start stalling or immediately start pushing bodyweight up? For context. I've been constantly gaining from 68 kg to now 73.5-74 kg from December to now and definitely gained some bodyfat.
Hey dude! First of all. Great decision and best of luck with it all. Smaller muscle groups like side delts, weekly volume could be around 12 sets with no issues. Maybe 6 per session, see how recovery is, but don’t exceed 3 sets on isolations. No need, becomes junk volume 90% of the time. I love doing extensions or curls before compounds on legs for mind muscle connection and also to reap the benefits of the profile of these movements when the muscle is fresh. Same goes for laterals before pressing on push day :) Thanks for being a member mate. Enjoy the low volume gains.