Hopefully the title has been enticing enough for you (yes you, reading this now) to take notice of my log.
Also, I hope this is the ‘done thing’ on this forum (AJ, let me know if otherwise).
I enjoy logging and getting motivation from others on an Internet forum as well as in my trusty log book. Please feel free to berate me at any given opportunity.
Super condensed Intro;
- Age- 30 (soon to be 31)
-Weight- ~85kg (roughly 76% body fat).
-Used to be strong. 320kg Deadlift @80kg, 150kg Push Press @80kg, 160kg Bench.... etc etc blah blah. Currently a weak fat old injury prone mess.
-2015 2nd Strongest Man in England (under 80kg)
-’Best’ Powerlifting total- 212.5/152.5/287.5 (unequipped @75kg)
-Current aim- Look DECENT at 85kg and enjoy training again. No ambition to compete in strength sports anymore. Body can not take it.
Anyway. On to the first logged session. Please bear with me, nothing too exciting over the next 8-12 weeks. Just progressive Upper/Lower split. Choosing exercises I enjoy.
18/02/20 (Upper- Heavy)- Garage Session
Inc DB Bench- 50kg- 8/8/14
Weighted Pull-Up- +20kg- 8/8/13
Strict Press- 70kg- 8/8/8
T-Bar- 60kg- 8/8/8
Hammer Bar Curl- 30kg-10/10
SkullCrusher- 30kg- 10/10
TriSet (DB Flye-DB Lat Raise-Banded Straight Arm Pulldown)- 2 Sets- 15/15/15 (light weight)
Enjoyable basic first session back.
‘Heavy’ Leg session planned for tomorrow AM in Strength Asylum (luckily for me, my local gym).
To add on to this. No training has taken place since. Sick dog, travel + other random shite has not allowed training (not the priority)
Training tomorrow morning, starting again’, as potentially, full body may well be best for my schedule.