Bit of background;
- Been lifting for around a year and a half but only properly knowing what I'm doing for around 6 months
- Started at 118 lbs (Very Skinny) at 5ft 7 now sittingat around 146 at around 15%
- Been following an uppe/lower split for around 6 weeks and gained 4 lbs
- Started bulk on 2600 Cals now up to ~3300/3400
First session of new meso cycle - Feel free to critique my session/split
Upper A
Incline bench - 80kg x 3 (With spot but failed 3rd rep as went too heavy
- 70kg x 6, 60kg x 8
Machine OHP (Standing )- 40 x 6 then 20kg muscle round (6x4 set with 10 sec rest inbtween)
Weighted dips - 17.5kg x 10, Bodyweight x 14
Fly Machine - 42 x 20, 42 x 8( 3 sec hold, 3 sec ecc)
Rack Pull - 140 x 5
Lat Pullldowns - 55 x 8, 50 x 10
BB Row - 90x8,80 x 10
Rope Upright Row - 35 x 15, 35 x 10
Tricep pushdown - 55 x 10
Session felt long+hard so may add some intra intra workout carbs to my shake
Calories for the day - 3450
180P, 570C, 50F