Hey, not sure if on the right thread as only just joined the membership group, so apologies if not! Just wondering how far any of you would recommend pushing weight in the off season. I competed this year but am not competing again until 2020 (it's my son's 18th right in the middle of comp season next year so that takes priority) and am 6/7 weeks-ish into my off season. I was 54.5kg on stage and now 59kg although seem to have stalled at this weight; still lean-ish but feeling strong and already up to 3000 kcals. Will be mini cutting for our wedding in April, not stage condition but probs down to 56/57kg. So question is how much do I push up between now and mini cut? I got up to 66kg in last off season but did feel that was potentially too high - it was a short off season so had to push up quickly. Any feedback/advice greatly received.
(gymfecker on insta if anyone fancies a follow/follow back)
I honestly think going to new bodyweights is only totally productive if performance is still rising, a SLOW rate of gain is appropriate for most circumstances - but this is still on the basis that you are just getting yourself to a new bodyweight to PERFORM better Focus on performance over everything :)