Hey everyone I seem to be one of those long femured individuals predestined to have squat troubles but I will overcome !
So to start heres a vid of what my squat used to look like you may pop a disc by merely observing. (please excuse quality)
Next Vid is me trying to stay upright to avoid butt wink finding that to use hip drive my torso leans over in the hole
next vid is me today trying to get more forward lean to get bar over mid foot
next vid is final set I did today
Please leave your thoughts and opnions on what I should do to improve my squat and build up again from there. really dont want to abandon this movement.
thank you guys
I agree I could bring my knees more forward which would in turn allow a more upright torso but that puts so much pressure on my knees and hurts. I have a vid of this squat style if youd like to see (similar to 2nd vid). with my short torso it seems I have to lean over to keep bae over midfoot without excessive knee ravel. my goal with low bar squats is to move the most weight possible basically powerlifting style.
(Ill wear a normal length tee next time aswell 😅)
You could bring your knees a bit more over the toes and add more depth to your squat so you could stay a lil bit more upright and keep your chest out. When your goal is hypertrophie for your quads you should aim for an upright as possible squat ;)
@JackBurton thank you yeah that first video was horrendous and glad youve seen some improvement and yes it is a low bar squat so I have lean over a lot
@KRISSI thank you for the feedback, by increasing mobilty how would that change my squat? and good idea Ill film from front next time so you can see stance width and hip mobility etc
@Celine thank you and yes I think I can slow it down more especially as im basically learning a new motor pathway. also since I started squating, low bar is where I naturally placed the bar and where I find the bar most comfortable and will allow me to lift more weight in the long run
Ive got squats again this friday will record front angle and side, is behind needed? Also once Ive nailed form how do you guys suggest I build load back up?
as Krissi said, from other angles might help. but massive improvement from the first video though, squats on the last one don't look bad at all. personally I would take my time a bit more in between reps so that you can really focus on making every rep as perfect as possible. Also, I prefer to have a sligthly slower eccentric for myself. And maybe try to push your chest out a little bit more.
are there any particular reasons as to why you do low bar instead of high bar?
Maybe you can film also from another angle like from the front.. I think a lil more hip and ankle mobility and you're golden.
Hi Jevarne, smart move getting multiple videos to compare on.
Good job correcting form from the first video, that had me nervous watching haha! All in all, not too bad at all. You look to have gotten the cues down; Bracing your back, three steps out, down to parallel.
My suggestion personally would be that you are leaning forward into IT, is that because you are performing low bar (By the looks of it). Maybe sit further backwards into it and push so let from the heels, so your chest isn't tracking so close to your knees.
Not a massive amount to improve though, interested to see what others think too. Personally I am more familiar with high bar.