New Year New Log!
Physique / Progress Update
Thought I'd get it kick started with a bit of an update on proceedings for you guys who like to read. I'll follow this up with a video soon.
Current Bodyweight - 177-178 lbs
Training Day - 500c 70f 285p
Non Training Day - 250c 120f 250p
Really liking this set up for managing appetite & digestion as I move forwards, the off days give me plenty of nutrient diversity also.
My training is currently Pull, Push, Legs, with somewhat auto-regulated rest days, but usually 3 on, one off, if I feel like I can string 6 days in, I will do it, food is at's it's highest and if a productive chain of sessions is there for the taking, I will take it.
Supplements AM - Multi, Vit D, Omega, Creatine, Physillium Husk.
Supps Intra - 30g Highly Branched Cyclic Dextrin, 20g EAA, 2g Taurine, 1g Electrolytes.
Supps Post - Magnesium Glycinate, Ashwaghanda.
Supps Pre Bed - Magnesium Glycinate, Ashwaghanda, Physillium Husk, Curcumin.
Any questions fire below!
Todays Push Workout I'll log later :)
Lovely leg session to begin the training week with Kuba, Jimmy & Meg yesterday - bottled my top set smith, but other than that, v good session!
LF Seated Ham Curl - 1x 5-9 / 1x 11-15
Smith Squat - 1x 3-7 / 1x 8 -12
Pivot Leg Press - 1x 8-10
Single Leg Press - Watson - 1x 11-15
Leg Extension - 1x Rest Pause 2 fail points
45 Degree Hyper - 2x 8-10
Prime Leg Curl Seated - 1x Rest Pause 2 fail points
Adductor - 1x 8-10
Seated Calves - 3x 8-10
Hanging Leg Raise - 3x BW to fail
Great Push Session Today with Andreas from Vienna, trains super hard, very strong and a awesome training partner.
Atlantis Lateral Raise - 1x 5-9 1x 8-10 1x 15-20
High Incline DB Press - 1x 4-9 1x 10-15
Smith Incline Chest Press - 1x 4-9 1x 10-15
Machine Dip - 1x 4-9 2x 10-12
Prime Pec Deck - 1x 5-9 1x 8-10 1x 15-20
Single Arm Machine Lateral - 1x RP Set (only two fail points) 11 then 7 reps
Rope Extension Narrow Cable Stack - 2x 8-10 1x 12-15
Overhead Extension Machine - 2x 8-10
10/10 Session
Yesterdays Push Session at PNX Gym with Brad/Jack/Bobby, nice session, plenty of good sets on ok ish kit! Incline Plate Loaded Press - 1x5-9 / 1x12-15
Pin Loaded Shoulder Press - 1x5-9 / 1x12-15
Neutral Grip Plate Loaded Tricep Press - 1x5-9 / 1x12-15
D Handle Pec Deck - 3 x 12-15
Cuffed Lateral Raise - 2 x 12-15
Seated DB Lateral Raise - 2 x 12-15
Machine Dip - 3x 8-10
Tricep Pushdown - 3x 12-15 Legs today - last session before 4 days off and trip to NY for the Worlds!
Pull Today At PHX Gym Burgess Hill with being down south!
Superb session with Jack & Brad!
Watson Chest Supported Row - 1x5-9 / 1x12-15
Deadlift - 1x5-9 / 1x12-15
Single Arm Step Back Row - 1x5-9 / 1x12-15
Wide Grip Lat Pull Down - 3 x 12-15
Seated Shrug - 3x 12-15
Rear Delt Pulldown - 2x 8-10 1x 15-20
D Handle Curl - 3x 10-12
Single Arm Curl - 2x 12-15
Push tomorrow!!
Hey Aj, which it’s your current diet now? Thanks
Legs A
Standing Single Leg Curl - 2x8-10 1x20-25
Barbell Back Squat 1x 6-9/1x10-15
Atlantis Single Leg Press 1x 6-9/1x10-15
Single Leg Seated Curl - 2x 20-25
Single Leg Extension - 3x 12-15
Donkey Calf Press - 4x 12-15
Adductor - 1x Rest Pause ( fail - 5 breath x3)
Abductor - 1x Rest Pause ( fail - 5 breath x3) } Legs B
Prime Lying Leg Curl - 1x 8-10 / 2x 12-15
Prime Leg Extension - 3 x 8-10 (adjusting load throughout)
Banded, Paused Pendulum Squat - 1x 5-9 / 1x 12-15
Banded Nytram Pivot Leg Press - 1x 5-9 / 1x 12-15
Barbell Hip Thrust - 1x 5-9 / 1x 12-15
Single Leg Seated Leg Curl - 2x 20-25
Adductor - 1 x Triple Drop
Abductor - 1x Triple Drop
Atlantis Seated Calves - 3 x 12-15
These sessions compliment each other in terms of a balance of uni lateral work, while also having one day focusing on getting v v strong at isolations before the compound and one day focusing almost purely on the compound work.
These sessions are LONG and hard and take a while to recover fully from, don't copy this split and expect to recover unless you're nailing everything! This is about the highest total volume I can recover from on my lower body :) Every set is taken pretty close to complete muscular fail.
Aj I know it might be too much to ask but I really enjoy when you log your sessions on here. Even if you just have an outline like what your exercise sequence is how many sets per exercise and what reps you are aiming for. If it's too much time I understand but love seeing the outline of your training especially now that it seems like you are training arms daily. I really feel like my arms and side delts recover very well was thinking of adding more volume at the end of my sessions. Thanks man hope all is well enjoying the level up series and how you breakdown workouts.
Todays Check In! - Shots taken - 11th October 2019
Bodyweight - 193.4 lbs - Up! And body composition still staying in a nice spot!
Thoughts on physique - overall pretty happy, think I've added some decent density and tissue by taking bodyweight up a little further! :)
Training - LEGS - PUSH - PULL - OFF - LEGS - PUSH - OFF (R1)
PULL - PUSH - LEGS - OFF - PULL - PUSH - OFF (R2) * No change *
Cardio - 35 mins on Rest Days (No change, besides, sometimes going for a walk instead to save recovery)
TD Food - 600c 70f 250p (No change on last week)
NTD Food - 400c 100f 250p (No change on last week)
Mood / Energy / Thoughts - Think I caught a small bug mid week, few headaches and general tension in the nasal passage, yeah the nasal. So I've been dosing up a little bit on general painkillers to get rid. Hopefully will be gone in a few days!
Here are this weeks pictures below - also Episode 6 of The Level Up will be posted up tomorrow!
No Weekly Check in this week as I was busy re-gaining lost weight from Scotland trip, but I'm back at it now! Few tweaks to diet purely to create some variety!!
M1 - 3 Whole Eggs, 100g Salmon, 2 English Muffins or 3 Bagel Thins, 250g Fruit
M2 - Pre - 100g Baby Rice, 200g Fruit, 50g Whey, 25g Dark Choc
INTRA - 50g HBCD, 30g Pepto Pro, 10g Creatine, 5g Electrolytes.
M4 - Post - 1 Packet Micro Rice, 200g Beef, Stir Fry Veg, Bagel 30g Jam, 250g Fruit
M5 - 150g Oats, 50g Whey, 2 Packet Go Ahead Cereal Bars.
Todays Check In! - Shots taken - 26th September 2019
Bodyweight - 190.4 lbs - Held weight this week! This was the goal, so happy that it's been achieved.
Thoughts on physique - Happy again with body comp, Danni thought I looked a little leaner this week in the mid section, I've reduced the volume of my oats in the last meal (making just with water, no microwave.. sorry JACK) and this has helped my mid section/bloat massively, feel a lot tighter with a lower volume meal pre-bed, something I need to remind myself a lot of during prep, not to get carried away with more volume.
Training - LEGS - PUSH - PULL - OFF - LEGS - PUSH - OFF (R1)
PULL - PUSH - LEGS - OFF - PULL - PUSH - OFF (R2) * No change *
Cardio - 35 mins on Rest Days (No change)
TD Food - 600c 70f 250p (No change on last week)
NTD Food - 400c 100f 250p (No change on last week)
Mood / Energy / Thoughts - Energy has been weirdly good this week! BUT I know the de-load is needed and it will be a very difficult few sessions to train over the coming days as being so busy with peaking and show planning it gets a little out of hand in terms of session quality, so I'd rather de-load, and be back into it on Monday with all cylinders firing.
Here are this weeks pictures below - also Episode 5 of The Level Up will be a BNBF Finals Special Episode, to be posted at some point next week :)
Thanks for posting . Do you have a preference for consuming whey over whole foods or is it just convienent you to do so / easier for digestion ?
Hi Aj, if you get the time at some point could you list your current training and non training day meals . Kind regards
Todays Check In! - Shots taken - 19th September 2019
Bodyweight - 190.4 lbs - Up another few pounds but composition actually holding very well, so I'm not fussed again, seen some 188's, seen some 190's, this is fine, I don't mind gaining weight.
Thoughts on physique - Happier with this check in! Actually think I'm owning this weight fairly well and excited to see progression, when I'm pumped in the gym it looks a little less soft too of course, remember I take all my off season photos with zero filters and harsh lighting, because that's what I'll be using during prep!
Training - LEGS - PUSH - PULL - OFF - LEGS - PUSH - OFF (R1)
Cardio - 35 mins on Rest Days (No change)
TD Food - 600c 70f 250p (No change on last week)
NTD Food - 400c 100f 250p (No change on last week)
Mood / Energy / Thoughts - Energy has dipped a little during the day and RHR is up too, I think this is down to how much progression I've seen recently, sleep quality is still bang on though so I'm relatively happy to keep pushing on, I think I'll de-load back end of next week, not 100% on that yet though, I'd rather nip it in the bud before I feel totally awful.
Here are this weeks pics - Episode 4 of the Level Up will be live tomorrow on YouTube & here, featuring todays LEG Session.
Todays Check In! - 14th September 2019
Bodyweight - 188.4 lbs - Jumped heavy on Wednesday, been salting my meals A LOT more recently, so not surprised or worried at all, we continue.
Thoughts on physique - Softer for sure, but performance is getting there now, so I know I'm close to a good spot to settle for a little bit and just rinse performance, for now we will see, I will keep you updated! Happy with how small the waist is (vacuums) and my belt is still very loose.
Training - LEGS - PUSH - PULL - OFF (Repeat) with two rotations, see back in log to view.
Cardio - 35 mins on Rest Days (No change)
TD Food - 600c 70f 250p (No change on last week)
NTD Food - 400c 100f 250p (No change on last week)
Mood / Energy / Thoughts - Got a little bit upset after taking my pics this week, just really starting to doubt myself heavily which is unlike me, but I just know how BADLY I want to do well next year and the goals are set very high, I know I work really hard, but sometimes I think I might need longer to grow. However, I know I've improved, I'm going to give every step of this process my ALL and it will show on stage. I promise you that.
Here are this weeks pics - Episode 3 of the Level Up will be live tomorrow :)
AJ can you speak about how to transfer from mini cut to suficit phase?
Aj, one question, how do you structure the rest pause in adductors? a fixed load per tot. reps (25/30 or more?) with breaks from how much time? Thank you
Todays Check In! - 6th September 2019
Bodyweight - 186.8 lbs - Been holding this weight all week since a jump on Monday, happy with the increase.
Training - LEGS - PUSH - PULL - OFF (Repeat) with two rotations, see back in log to view.
Cardio - 35 mins on Rest Days (No change)
TD Food - 600c 70f 250p (10f 50c increase on last week)
NTD Food - 400c 100f 250p (10f increase on last week)
Mood / Energy / Thoughts - Feeling good, I still look at my physique & think I've got so so much work to do, but I know I won't really see the improvements fully until I diet down, I want to diet down next year to see what's been done, I'm confident there is a lot of new tissue, as I've never held this weight so well, but we will see. For now, the bodyweight push continues as composition allows. I've just got to keep my head focused on this sessions that will produce a better physique & care less about the aesthetic side for now.
Here are this weeks pics - Episode 2 of the Level Up will be live tomorrow :)
Todays Check In!
Bodyweight - 184 lbs ( was 185.5 yesterday, dropped a bit too much after rest day, will adjust macros)
Training - LEGS - PUSH - PULL - OFF (Repeat) with two rotations, see back in log to view.
Cardio - 35 mins on Rest Days (10 mins dropped off, was too much for my legs)
TD Food - 550c 60f 250p
NTD Food - 400c 90f 250p (dropped some carbs for protein to fit meal frequency, will raise carbs again for next week)
Mood / Energy - little bit more fatigued this week from the busy week last weekend and the heat! but it's cooled down now and a chilled weekend this weekend to catch up on things, then literally a MONTH of having a show day every single weekend, which will be mad! But looking forward to it all of course, then from the end of the season until my prep starts, the focus is on being pretty damn selfish and setting up my prep extremely well.
First documentation episode is coming next week, any title suggestions? I'm thinking... 'The Level Up'?
For now, here is this weeks pics.
Todays Check In!
Bodyweight - 180.4 lbs
Training - LEGS - PUSH - PULL - OFF (Repeat) with two rotations, see back in log to view.
Cardio - 45 mins on Rest Days
TD Food - 550c 60f 250p
NTD Food - 450c 90f 210p
Mood / Energy - I feel good! Sometimes I get days where work is busy and I go into sessions a bit mentally drained, but I have to spend a good 15-20 mins warming up to the environment, then I tend to be ok from that point onwards. Finding I do a little better sometimes training a little earlier in the day, as mental fatigue is a little lower, feel a little more focused. Something I will play about with soon.
I have WIFI guys next week and I'll be starting something new, it will be a few documentation series of my Off Season up until prep, with a weekly episode, very much like BOSTON Bound. So you can expect that to be coming your way NEXT week.
For now, that's this weeks update, an epic weekend with people competing, I absolutely cannot wait!
AJ did you transfer from mini cut go gaming phase again ? Slowly with reverse diet or ?